

Product warranty /


Each jewelry "L'aroush jewelry" undergoes a full state inspection in "Center for Independent Examination of Precious Metals and Precious Stones Testing Laboratory " LLP, which includes checking the authenticity of both the product itself and its components (stones, metal), weighing, branding, issuing an expert opinion.  All our products must pass the customs clearance procedure according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you can always verify the authenticity of your jewelry by contacting the "CIE of PM and PS Testing Laboratory" LLP, Almaty city, Nursultan Nazarbayev Avenue116.

The seller "L'aroush jewelry" provides a warranty for the goods, the term of which is 3 months from the date of purchase of the goods by the consumer. The consumer has the right, within 14 calendar days from the date of purchase, to exchange the purchased goods of proper quality for a similar product of a different size, shape, dimension, style, color,  complete set available from the Seller, having made, in case of a difference in price, the necessary recalculation with the Seller.


Exchange/return of goods of proper quality is possible in case the goods have not been used, its marketable appearance, including packaging, seals, labels (tags) are not separated (not cut off) from the goods, consumer properties are preserved,  as well as the availability of a document confirming the purchase of the goods (control or sales receipt).


Goods of proper quality with separated from it seal, label (tag), in accordance with Art. 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On protection of consumer rights" № 274-IV of 04.05.2010, is  not subject to exchange (return).


Exchange/return of goods of proper quality shall be carried out by the Seller not later than 30 calendar days after receipt of the goods and the package of necessary documents from the Consumer.

If the Consumer discovers defects of the goods and submits a claim for their replacement, as well as an expert confirmation of the manufacturing defect of the goods, the Seller is obliged to replace them within 30 calendar days from the date of submission of the relevant claim.

Before the exchange/return of goods of proper/incorrect quality the Seller reserves the right to carry out an expert examination of the product.

Independent examination of the goods subject to exchange (return) shall be carried out exclusively at the "CIE of PM and PS Testing Laboratory" LLP. Expenses for the examination of goods of good quality shall be borne by the Consumer. The seller has the right to withhold from the cost of the goods to be returned, the amount for the examination carried out. In case of confirmation of a lack/defect of the goods, the expenses for the examination of the goods should be paid by the Seller, and otherwise - by the Consumer.

By paying for the purchased items of "L'aroush jewelry" in our store, you agree to the terms of warranty, storage, operation of jewelry and recommendations for their care, set out in the Care Card (attached to the package).


Transportation costs for the return/exchange/repair of jewelry "L'aroush jewelry" are compensated by the Buyer.


The warranty DOES NOT cover damage to the jewelry as a result of failure to ensure proper operating and storage conditions of the jewelry by the Consumer, as well as DOES NOT cover premature wear of the plating (gold-plating/rhodium)



In order to obtain the dazzling whiteness of the metal, in the world practice it is customary to cover the product with rhodium (rhodium plating). Rhodium plating is a thin (0.1-25 microns) layer of rhodium (which is a precious metal) on the surface of a jewelry piece. Rhodium plating is necessary to increase the reflective and aesthetic properties of the metal, as well as to protect it from scratches, corrosion and exposure to unfavorable environmental factors. Rhodium plated jewelry should be worn carefully, and rhodium plating should be renewed as needed.

We guarantee long-term operation of the products if the user observes the operating and storage conditions.


How to wear jewelry properly.

1. Do not allow mechanical damage to the jewelry. Gold (silver) is a rather soft metal and is easily deformed and scratched by physical impact. Take care of your jewelry from mechanical shocks and sudden temperature changes. Remember that scratches are more noticeable on large or wide products than on miniature and thin ones. In turn, lightweight and blown products are more susceptible to deformation under mechanical impact (e.g. Mother and Child blown bracelet).

2.  Do not wear jewelry while doing household chores (washing, washing dishes, cooking) and any physical work.


3. Avoid interaction of jewelry made of precious metals with substances containing active chemical compounds (household chemical products, cosmetics, medicines, etc.). Chlorine, iodine and mercury compounds are especially dangerous. Even the proximity of jewelry and a closed vial of iodine on the same shelf can cause irreparable damage: brown spots or a dark coating will appear on the product. And mercury compounds can turn gold items into dust. And taking drugs such as Iodomarin can cause darkening of silver jewelry.

4. Do not clean jewelry at home

5. Do not sleep in jewelry;

6. Clasps and locks also require careful handling and are "afraid" of excessive force.



7. Silver jewelry can darken (turn dark) due to the presence of high concentrations of sulfur in the air, silver is very susceptible to human sweat and a person's individual acid-alkaline environment. There are some people in whom silver darkens very quickly, so it is better to choose jewelry made of another metal.


How to properly store jewelry.


1. It is best to store jewelry in specialized jewelry boxes upholstered with soft fabric on the inside.

2. It is necessary to exclude storage in the open sunlight, as stones may fade, and metal may change color

3. In conditions of high humidity and temperature, jewelry can tarnish and become covered with plaque and stains, so do not store jewelry in bathrooms, as well as near radiators and other heat sources.

4. If you are storing your jewelry for a long period of time, it is best to remove grease and dirt with a soft cloth soaked in ammonia.



Improper use and storage of jewelry may result in loss of warranty.






Goods of improper quality (defective):


To exchange or return goods of improper quality during the warranty period, the Buyer must send the following documents to +7776 297 4669 on WhatsApp:

  Photo of the goods of improper quality with the indication of defects (the photo must show the defect).

  Completed application for refund (electronically or scan/photo of the printed document). The sample is attached. IMPORTANT! The application must specify the details of the Buyer who paid for the goods and to whom the refund will be made. The Owner of the bank account to which the funds will be transferred must be the same as the applicant.

• The scan or photo of the Buyer's passport.


The term of consideration of the application sent to email/ WhatsApp – is 5 working days.

After moderation of the request for the return of goods of improper quality to your (client) email/ WhatsApp number will be sent a form of the transport company, which will need to send the goods in a package that ensures the safety of the goods (packaging is provided by the sender), as well as the original application for a refund with the signature of the sender.

Upon receipt of the goods against which the Buyer has made a claim, the Seller shall carry out an independent expert examination. On the basis of the results of such examination, the Seller shall decide whether the claim is satisfied or rejected and shall notify the Buyer with the reasons thereof.


In case of rejection of the claim, the Buyer pays for the expert examination and has the right to independently receive the goods, in respect of which such claim was declared and rejected, at the address: Almaty, Satpayev Str. 29/6 boutique "L'aroush jewelry" or to arrange delivery at his own expense.

If the claim is successful, the Seller shall pay for the expert report and further offer Buyer service options under warranty, one option from the following:

• elimination of defects of goods in certified service centers;

• exchange for a similar product without additional payment;

• exchange for a similar product with additional payment;

• return of goods and transfer of funds to the Buyer's account

Claims are considered by the Seller on condition of providing comprehensive information, documents, original application for return of goods and purchased goods within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of receipt of goods

The refund in case the claim is recognized shall be made not later than 7 (seven) working days after the expiration of the specified period of consideration of the claim.


When does the warranty start?

  from the moment the goods are handed over to the Consumer

  when ordering goods from the online store, the warranty starts from the day the Customer receives the goods from the courier service

Service under warranty includes one option from the following:

• elimination of defects of goods in certified service centers;

• exchange for a similar product without additional payment;

• exchange for a similar product with additional payment;

• return of goods and transfer of funds to the buyer's account


Return of jewelry

The Consumer has the right, within 14 calendar days from the date of purchase, to exchange or return the purchased product, provided that the product was not in use, its presentation is preserved, including packaging, samples, tags are not separated (not cut off) from the product, stored a seal, consumer properties are preserved, as well as a document confirming the fact of purchasing the goods (control or sales receipt).

The goods of the proper quality with a seal separated from it, a tag, in accordance with Article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Consumer Rights Protection" No. 274-IV of 04.05.02010, are not subject to exchange/return. Before the exchange/return of goods of proper /improper quality


Transportation costs for returns are reimbursed by the Buyer.

A Gift Certificate of the same or a different denomination cannot be returned.



Cash Refund

The refund period depends on the type of payment that the buyer initially chose.

In case of cash payment, a refund is made at the checkout no later than 10 days after the Buyer submits a request for a refund.

Crediting of the cost of goods to the Customer's card, if cashless payment was used, takes place immediately after receipt of the request from the Buyer.

When using electronic payment systems, the refund will be made to the electronic account within 10 calendar days.


Product Return Form

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